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Friday, September 14, 2012

FRIENDS (8 Years Later)

Dear Chandler, Monica, Ross, Rachel, Joey, and Phoebe:

“This is harder than I thought it would be.” – Monica Geller-Bing (The Last One) 

Today, eight years after your show’s finale, I find myself in the same position as Monica, the rest of your gang, and your millions of fans who have journeyed along with your stories of friendship, family, and love and how fun and amazing you portrayed them to be. You gave me the best hope in my relationships and most especially, you shared the warmth and joy of your friendship with us, your audience who you also treated as your most loyal friends – that’s because we were. From the pilot episode up to the very last one, you have had our faith in your plot or story, our sympathy with your characters, and our love for your friendships that’s one in a million. You left us with some of the best memories we will ever have in our lives.

How could you know that last night, somewhere across the world, a 20-year-old college student who just heard of your show 2 months ago would be crying for hours in front of her computer and then to her best friend after completing all 10 seasons of FRIENDS? What is 10 years in 2 months! Am I a big loser for having watched your show just now after it’s finale in 2004? Well whatever, I’m glad I didn’t miss it at all. 

It's so hard to say goodbye.

Thank you Chandler, Monica, Ross, Rachel, Joey, and Phoebe for being my friends when I’m alone in the dorm, for making me laugh so hard and bad every time I’m not feeling well (you were my medicine, my cure for bad stuffs), for tugging my heartstrings when Chandler proposed to Monica and for tearing them too when Rachel and Joey’s romance was put off, for reminding me how lovely it is to be a girl during Phoebe’s wedding, and to top all these, FOR BEING MY FRIENDS and helping me get through my isolation period in the past two months. FRIENDS will always be my favorite TV series. Farewell. You gave me the best time of my life.


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