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Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Diary of a Bibliophile

"I don't like books, I love them." A person who loves and collects books is called a bibliophile. And the love of books Bibliophilia. My plea: guilty. 
Caught in the act: hoarding books. 
My relationship with bookstores is very complicated. I try to stay away from it as much as I would love to be in it. It's like there's always an entrance door but never an exit one. I so easily get trapped in the aisles and between book shelves like I have crossed the threshold of a new world - a world where I could die of pleasure and bliss book-gasm after book-gasm. 

Next to Booksale, I hate a book sale. (Insert the words 'irony' and 'sarcasm' here.) Last April 15 I went to National Bookstore to catch the last day of its Summer Sale because they're giving out 20% discounts on all imported books. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist it. See if I made a good deal here:

(1) Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice - Php 99
(2) Louisa M. Alcott's Little Women - Php 99
(3) Herman Hesse's Siddharta - Php 259
(4) Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis - Php 239
(5) Victor Hugo's Les Miserables - Php 285
(6) Gabriel Gracia Marquez' Memories of My Melancholy Whore - Php 255
(7) Salman Rushdie's The Enchantress of Florence - Php 299
(8) Anita Shreve's Body Surfing - Php 50

Original Price less 20% = TOTAL COST: Php 1275 only 

Everything in this world has a price. And for whatever these books are worth, I know it's worth it. 

So never take me to a bookstore especially when I have spare money because I and my wallet are most vulnerable when we are in a bookstore. We never make a good team. Or I could go without my wallet, but that would be really excruciating on my part. And heartbreaking too. Books are definitely my weakness. 

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