"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world." - Anonymous

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises (No Spoilers)

The first thing I did when I came out of the movie theater was shamelessly and aggressively ask someone to take this picture:

It was the nearest I could get to Batman. 

After which, I just wandered around the vicinity like I was floating in Cloud 9, still so unbelievably mesmerized with I just saw for the past two hours and a half of my life. Boy that sure rolled by so fast! I didn't want the movie to end... I didn't want the legend to end.

I felt blogging 'The Dark Knight Rises' is the best thing to do for I could at least record a bit of the amazing experience the movie gave me. It is also to pay a little tribute, for the great time I had (even though I was alone).

Php125 is cheap already! I would pay more if I had to, for
the movie was really worth every cent of its' viewers.

As promised, no spoilers here.

Speaking of Legends
Sure, Batman is a legend, but CHRISTOPHER NOLAN (Director, Writer, and Producer of the movie) is truly legendary! Legitimately legendary, I would say. I could not express in words how stupendously awed and amazed I was by his brilliant skills as a director, his intelligence as a writer, and his vision as a producer. Sir Nolan has successfully proven that in his creation of the Batman series. He created the legend, and for me, that makes him a legend himself too! 

Too bad that most viewers would skip, even disregard, the credits shown at the end of every movie. They have no slightest idea who they should be truly admiring at. 

Do not watch it alone
My guts has made me accomplish a lot of things, has taken me to many places, and has earned me some really great friends, but this time, I wish my guts bailed on me. I watched the movie alone. I could watch any ordinary movies alone, but I wish my guts could spare the great ones! I'll tell you why.

(Segue) I remember reading through a certain post in my Facebook news feed about a couple who, after watching 'The Dark Knight Rises', weren't able to stop talking about and discussing over the issues from the movie. 

A Very Intriguing Movie
I feel them now! In fact, I can still pretty hear my own thoughts battling inside my head and they're driving me nuts since I have not talked to anybody since I watched the movie. I need to talk to someone who has sense and rationality enough to understand the things or the matters I badly wish to say. That's why I knew I had to write this blog post in the first place. But I would spare you these thoughts I was talking about, because I promised not to give spoilers. Probably I can just write a movie review or a reaction paper after some time and when I watch the movie again (yes, I do intend to watch it for the second time). 

I can be so sure that this movie has been worked so hard for by its filmmakers, actors, crew and staff. The concept was clear and complex, but well-executed. I can say that the filmmakers were not only concerned with cinematography, musical score, lights and sounds, etc, but also the plot of the movie which was very well thought of. If you are an active audience, you shall get intrigued by a lot of issues concerning political, capitalist, feminist, racial, and even religious in nature. The following themes were very apparent: power play in society; social clashes between classes: civilians vs authorities, rich vs poor, basically the powerful vs the marginalized; two-faced portrayal of women (the empowered and the manipulative, unreliable, backstabbing bitch); terrorists usually are from the Middle East, non-Christian, with beards; and a lot more. 

Highly Recommended
This movie is highly thought-provoking as well as greatly entertaining. In fact, these were some of my tweets while I was watching the movie:
And oh, I cried too. I really recommend that you watch this movie. 

Come, see, and love Batman yourself! ♥

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