"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world." - Anonymous

Monday, August 13, 2012

The day I started reading again and decided to quit social networking

For starters, I picked George Orwell's 1984 from my collection of books to kick off my love for reading again. I was cleaning my room last night when I saw my book collection all dusty, webby, and unnoticed/rejected (I am not sure how exactly I have treated my precious babies) and I got so upset upon realizing how much time I have been wasting on the Internet. It has worked fairly for me but recently, I have been spending unreasonable amount of time in social networking sites (SNS) to the extent of putting my life in unhealthy conditions due to the sedentary lifestyle I am living. Not having sufficient sleep, skipping meals, straining my eyes, exposing myself to radiation, and not doing physical exercises and activities might cost be health issues sooner or later. When I visited my practicum supervisor two or three weeks ago, he noticed how pale I have gotten and even teased me anemic. That was my call to stop already! I bet my cells and tissues are already going suicidal on me because I have put them through great stress. So before this total Internet addiction eats me up alive, I have got to take precaution and moderation right away. It will be lame and too difficult if I deactivate my Facebook and Twitter accounts so I will not but still check them occasionally since a part of my academic and social life is in there, it is also my constant form of communication with my siblings in the province, it is a vital tool when I have to reseach people (called stalking) and you know, sometimes I just have to live vicariously to the lives of other people. But I do have to check my email regularly and blog regularly as well because it makes me happy, so I guess that with the sound of things, it seems that I will still be spending quite an amount of time in SNS and in the Internet but I swear for my sake that I will stop hovering around my own posts in my profile as well as in my news feed and not soak and drown in them anymore since it also often ends up in regret and bitterness anyway whenever I compare my life with the life of those well-off bitches and bastards who got better parents so they have better lives. Oh forget it.

Now in order to make things work, I need a diversion. Here goes the rekindling of my professed love for reading. By the way, most of my books are classics and literary winners. You see, whenever I am about to purchase a book, more than anythine else, I am concerned if it is a classic or is canonized. That way, I am confident that I am getting my money's worth.

I used to be a bookworm, but then I ceased from being a bookworm to being a moviebuff (include TV series). Both hobbies have benefits but it's still different when you actually read a book. A good one huh. We are what we read. So I think and tell myself, if I read intelligent books, that's what I'll become too in due due time and in due number of books read of course. Books contain all the knowledge which we need to acquire and if we know so much, we can only do so much. I was born poor but I will not die one. I'll do that by being smart.

Cheers to this day!

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